The UCLA Social Science Award of Distinction was established by Dean Alessandro Duranti in June 2014. The Award was established to honor exceptionally distinguished individuals who have contributed to the Social Sciences.
The UCLA Social Science Award of Distinction (hereafter “the Award”) is the highest honor for extraordinary accomplishment that may be bestowed upon an individual by the Dean of Social Sciences. Consideration for this award must meet the criteria presented in this Policy.
Award Criteria
- The Award should be bestowed upon individuals of exceptionally distinguished academic and professional achievement whose body of work or contributions to society illustrates the highest ideals of UCLA and the Division of Social Sciences, and whose career has manifestly benefited the public well beyond the demands of tradition, rank or direct service to the university.
- The Award may be awarded posthumously.
- Philanthropy may not be a consideration for the Award.
- The Award may not be awarded routinely for retirement.
Nomination Processing
Following are nominating steps and related requirements for The UCLA Social Science Award of Distinction:
Nominations for the UCLA Social Science Award of Distinction may only be submitted by Social Science faculty and should include:
- A letter stating the qualities and accomplishments that distinguish the nominee.
- Biographical information that supports the argument presented in the letter of nomination.
- An endorsement by the Chair of the relevant department in the Division of Social Sciences.
Approval Process
- The Award shall only be awarded upon approval of the Social Science Dean, who will consult with selected faculty members in the Division of Social Sciences whose area of expertise is deemed relevant for providing an evaluation of the nominations.
- The College Deans Office shall oversee the administration and processing of nominations.
- Nominations for the Award are accepted on an on-going basis.
- To the degree feasible and practical, The UCLA Social Science Award of Distinction is to be conferred in the same academic year as the nomination is approved.
- The Award will be presented by the Dean at occasions he/she determines are most suitable to honor the recipient. Suitable occasions could include a commencement ceremony or other occasions where faculty and students gather for academic purposes.