Victor Agadjanian
Victor is a social demographer interested in migration, sexual and reproductive health and behavior, family, and religion.

David Baqaee
David works on aggregation in disaggregated macroeconomic models, with an emphasis on the role production networks play in business cycles, growth, and international trade.

Abigail Bigham
Abigail’s research is focused on understanding human genetic adaptation to environmental pressures and how these adaptations affect the range of modern human phenotypic diversity.

Jennifer Jihye Chun
Asian American Studies
Jennifer has published widely on the changing world of precarious work and labor politics, with a focus on the intersections of race, class, gender and migration in comparative and global perspective.

Jessica Collett
Jessica’s work spans substantive areas — employing social psychological concepts and theories in the study of family, religion, work, and education — and uses diverse methodological approaches.

Jason De León
Anthropology & Chicana/o Studies
Jason’s research interests include theories of violence, materiality, Latin American migration, photoethnography, forensic science, and archaeology of the contemporary.

Ugo F. Edu
African American Studies
Ugo is a medical anthropologist working at the intersection of medical anthropology, public health, black feminism, and science, technology, and society studies (STS).

Felipe Goncalves
Felipe applies tools from labor and public economics to study topics in policing, crime, and education, with a particular emphasis on questions of racial inequality.

Terence Keel
African American Studies
Terence is an interdisciplinary scholar who has written widely about Euro-American science as a cultural practice inseparable from western legacies of religious belief, political governance, and racial ideology.

Omar Lizardo
Omar’s empirical and theoretical work lies at the intersection of multiple fields, including cultural analysis, historical sociology, institutional and organization theory, culture and consumption studies, social theory, cognitive social science, and network science.

Katherine Marino
Katherine’s research interests include histories of women, gender, sexuality, and race in the Americas; transnational feminism; and human rights.

Natalie Masuoka
Political Science & Asian American Studies
Natalie examines how and why whites, blacks, Asian Americans and Latinos view immigration and immigrants in systematically different ways.

Cecilia Menjívar
Cecilia’s research addresses the relationship between gender, violence, the legal system, and family in immigrant communities.

Eric Min
Political Science
Eric’s research focuses on interstate diplomacy, information gathering and sharing during crises, and applications of machine learning and text analysis techniques to declassified documents related to conflict and foreign policy.

Efrén Pérez
Political Science
Efrén’s scholarship centers on political psychology, with specific interests in racial and ethnic politics, language and political thinking, implicit political cognition, and the measurement of political concepts.

Giovanni Rossi
Giovanni’s research addresses human language and gesture as a system of tools for social interaction.

SA Smythe
African American Studies
SA is a poet, translator, and scholar of Black European Literary & Cultural Studies, Contemporary Mediterranean Studies, and Black Trans Poetics.

Chris Zepeda-Millán
Chicana/o Studies
Chris’ research focuses on issues related to immigration, social movements, and racial politics.